COVID-19: UPDATE FOR 03.27.2020

FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020

IT’S BEEN SEVERAL DAYS since we’ve posted an update, though I trust you were able to catch THE SHORT VIDEO UPDATE from the other day. Not much new to report at this point—which is a good thing. We’re hunkered down over here but still able to find ways to get work done, plan ahead, share the Word, etc. 

The most important update at this point will be concerning what we’re doing with our live-streaming service for this weekend. We’re going to have it LIVE-STREAMED ON SATURDAY, MARCH 28 AT 11:30am. The idea here is to avoid the buffering issues that many of you faced from this past Sunday. We will live-stream on Saturday, and then post/repost the recording of the service late Saturday night or early Sunday morning. You’ll then be able to schedule your own time to watch “live” on Sunday morning; be creative with when you’d like to watch it! Maybe even plan a lunch service at your home!

The good news with ALL of this? God. As in, God knows. He sees. He hears your prayers. He’s still God—He changeth not. Nothing is outside of His view, His reach, His concern, OR HIS PLAN. None of these things should be terribly surprising to us.

It’s actually been fascinating to watch some of the reports about China, oil in the Middle East, currency & economics, etc. Fascinating that—having JUST RECENTLY TAUGHT THROUGH REVELATION here at CCO—some of the speculations aren’t that far out there. Even the concept of the armies on horseback in our modern age—why would they need to travel in that manner? Oil? The lack of oil? Amazing to see what a precursor like a modern pandemic might do today compared to what the Spanish flu of 1918-1920 did. The repercussions today are global in a great number of categories beyond the obvious medical ones. Everything and everyone on the planet is way more connected than we were 100 years ago. Which is to say, what, exactly? Watch. Look up. Our salvation draws near. It’s now time (Romans 13:11, 12) to awake out of our sleep, the day is at hand; our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.

Tons of blessing,

Pastor Jeremy