COVID-19: UPDATE FOR 04.09.2020


Read through our running log of updates (found below) if you’ve missed any of them. In terms of updates, this one honestly doesn’t provide much for that, but it does lay out some information on our current course of action.

GOOD FRIDAY is tomorrow, and what a great day it is. It marks the day that Jesus Christ died upon the cruel cross of Calvary to take our place. His death was VICARIOUS (substitutionary). The substitution was “simple” - He took our sins (and the penalty due to us because of our sins) upon Himself. He bled there, and He died there. The substitutionary part (the TRADE part) has to be twofold: our sin was placed upon Him so that His righteousness could be placed upon us. 

Consider Paul the apostle’s words to his friends in Corinth:

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2Cor. 5:21).


For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He become poor, that you through His poverty might become rich (2Cor. 8:9).

Since we can’t celebrate this reality together—in person—we’re just going to have to go online for it. So, we’ll have a short video posted on Friday that you can watch whenever you’d like. You’ll be able to find it  on the HOMEPAGE right here on CCO’s website. If you have anything for the representative elements of communion (bread and the cup—see 1Cor. 11:23-26), partake of them by yourself or with those in your household. 

RESURRECTION SUNDAY is on the 12th, and…here we are…online. While we’re still working out some of the various bugs for our live-streaming service, we’re still going to have a LIVE SERVICE, streamed at 10:30am on Easter. Feel free to pray that the glitches won’t be innumerable and the message will be clearly presented. You’re more than welcome to SHARE THE LINK to this service with your friends and family. We’re happy to let everyone know about what FOLLOWED Good Friday: RESURRECTION. 

In the meantime, keep an eye on our app, social media pages, and our website for more updates and content. We’re officially suspending live / in-person services through the month of April. Let’s be honest: it stinks to need to do so. But, wisdom would have us to follow this protocol for the time being, so here we are. 

If you have FACEBOOK, I wrote a little devotional thought on there today from some of Jeremiah’s words in Lamentations chapter 3 about having hope, and about waiting on God. You might check that out and challenge yourself to believe what God’s Word would communicate to us. He’s good, even when things are at their darkest. Wait upon the Lord!!!

Tons of blessing,

Pastor Jeremy