COVID-19: UPDATE FOR 05.19.2020

TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2020

Our last update highlighted our TARGET DATE of May 24th for returning to Sunday Morning Fellowship along with service time changes of 9:00 & 11:00am. We were also shooting for Wednesday, May 20th as the TARGET DATE for our midweek Bible study. We also mentioned that we’re working towards completing the flooring in our building.

Fast forward to today and here’s the answer concerning our TARGET DATES: we won’t be ready to meet on the 24th nor will we be able to connect in person tomorrow evening for our study of Genesis. As with virtually ANY project, this one has taken longer than we had hoped. The issue? The weather has not cooperated. SO, this Sunday’s worship will again be ONLINE ONLY at 10:30am. With that, OUR NEW / UPDATED TARGET DATES WILL BE WEDNESDAY, MAY 27th AND SUNDAY, MAY 31st.

Let’s face it, another week away both stinks and also is probably for the better all at the same time. Stay tuned. As soon as we’re a go with a green light, we’ll notify you. Thanks for being patient and thanks for the prayers! Pray for WARM and DRY WEATHER the next few days so that we can finish the floors in our building!

Please know that you’re all very much loved and missed. Stay safe out there, and stay in God’s Word!

Tons of blessing,

Pastor Jeremy